Friday, March 4, 2011

Babushka Wedding Card - that personal touch

I have a little craft project, one i have done many many times before, for wedding acceptances or cards. This featured one was for my sister in law Toni. The card is based on a Babushka Doll. The bride being the larger or ' mumma' of the two. If you pull her apart, you see the Groom, and on the back of him is written your acceptance/ wedding congratulations etc.

It can be as easy or as difficult as you wish. This particular bride was very detailed and time consuming.... All made with love of course. You can use this simple Babushka doll card for many different events. Baby showers and births. engagements and weddings and of course birthdays of the babushka lover. If any paper 'crafters' try their hand at this card I'd love to see them so please post them on my blog or email them to me at

You can even theme the bride's dress or bouquet in the wedding colours (if the bride is giving away these details) Or make the card in the bride's image ie. hair, eye, skin colour, or exact dress. This card took me approx. 3 hrs but a lot of that was design time, being the first bridal card i had made.
Decorated, using beautiful scrap booking papers and close attention is paid to the back - dress train and veil.
The groom is colour co-ordinated with the bride and on the back of his suit is your acceptance or appology to the wedding shower or wedding. Such a personal extra gift to give a bride. Something that will be kept with her precious wedding keepsakes and talked about for many years to come.
Keep an eye out on for available cards for sale, or I can accomodate custom orders upon request. Cheers Elizabeth