Wednesday, February 2, 2011

When they break your heart for the very first time.

I have 3 sons, and a daughter, and like all kiddies, they break your heart eventually, but not intentionally. It could be the first time they tell you that they don't want to be your friend anymore, it might be when they tell you that they want to run away. It could be, for some, when they're embarressed to be seen with you or are too big to want cuddles anymore.

My Mr. Intellectual* ( almost 7) The first time he didn't need me to walk him into class. It's a dream really, with a new baby, taking 3 children into the school grounds to walk him into class, while wonderful, was a logistical nightmare!! So now he's big enough for the drop off zone in the morning and again in the afternoon. But at the time, i realised that he was really growing up.

My beach bum*, ( 4 and a half) doesn't let me give him kisses anymore. Just temporary i hope!! He thinks he's too big for them and now we're only permitted to high five him or give a hand shake. Heart breaker!!!

My little miss* ( a very bold 2) broke my heart for the very first time at about 6 months old. Little miss had a horrible habbit of sucking on two of her fingers, her pointer and middle, to soothe herself to sleep. A habbit i wanted to break, and in my wisdom (ha!) thought that popping mittens or socks over her hands would break it. but instead, she screamed for hours. I rocked, i sang, i stroked her forehead, i walked, patted, and swayed. Nothing worked. I ended up on the floor with her screaming, while i sobbed. I can giggle about it now but in that very moment, my heart broke. For more than one reason. I felt like i'd failed in some way as a mum, seeing her so upset and me being the coase of it, and for the first time, my perfect little bundle, was not perfect. silly really, looking back i was sleep deprived and HUMAN.

My little vegimite*. Well at 14 weeks old he's just started crying tears. it breaks my heart that as a mum you can't just fix it all for them.

So when did your little angel break your heart? OR am i the only one?

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